美国司法部推动谷歌出售 Chrome,而大型科技公司则面临各种监管挑战。 DOJ pushes for Google to sell Chrome, while Big Tech faces various regulatory challenges.
美国司法部正在推动谷歌出售其铬浏览器,作为解决该公司在网上搜索中的市场支配地位的努力的一部分。 The U.S. Department of Justice is pushing for Google to sell its Chrome browser as part of efforts to address the company's market dominance in online search. 同时,OpenAI的首席执行官Sam Altman将加入旧金山的过渡团队, 帮助用技术解决方案解决城市问题。 Meanwhile, OpenAI's CEO, Sam Altman, will join San Francisco's transition team to help tackle city issues with tech solutions. Meta也因WhessApp的隐私政策向印度呼吁罚款, 同时在美国面临不同的反托拉斯问题。 Meta is also appealing a fine from India over WhatsApp's privacy policy, while facing separate antitrust issues in the U.S. 这些行动反映了目前为管制大技术公司和促进公平竞争所作的努力。 These actions reflect ongoing efforts to regulate Big Tech companies and promote fair competition.