Derek Pfaff在2014年自杀未遂导致他毁容后接受了改变生命的面部移植手术。 Derek Pfaff receives life-changing face transplant after 2014 suicide attempt left him disfigured.
Derek Pfaff,30岁,在2014年的一次自杀企图使他严重毁容后,在Mayo诊所接受了一次改变面部的移植手术。 Derek Pfaff, 30, received a life-changing face transplant at Mayo Clinic after a 2014 suicide attempt left him severely disfigured. 涉及80名医护专业人员的50小时手术使用了先进的微外科技术和虚拟外科计划,以取代他85%的面部特征,包括鼻子、嘴唇、牙齿和眼皮。 The 50-hour surgery, involving 80 healthcare professionals, used advanced microsurgery techniques and a virtual surgical plan to replace 85% of his facial features, including his nose, lips, teeth, and eyelids. 博士萨米尔·马尔迪尼领导团队,强调该程序的生命增强影响, 提高Pfaff的呼吸,和表达情绪的能力. Dr. Samir Mardini led the team, emphasizing the procedure’s life-enhancing impact, improving Pfaff’s ability to breathe, chew, and express emotions.