ANU博物馆前首席执行官Dan Tadmor成为费城Weitzman博物馆的新馆长。 Dan Tadmor, former CEO of the ANU Museum, becomes the new head of Philadelphia's Weitzman Museum.
特拉维夫ANU博物馆前首席执行官Dan Tadmor被任命为费城Weitzman美国犹太人历史国家博物馆新院长兼首席执行官。 Dan Tadmor, former CEO of the ANU Museum in Tel Aviv, has been appointed as the new president and CEO of the Weitzman National Museum of American Jewish History in Philadelphia. 塔德莫尔领导其前一个博物馆翻修了1亿美元,他将侧重于扩大威茨曼博物馆的作用,并有可能将其纳入史密森学院。 Tadmor, who led a $100 million renovation of his previous museum, will focus on expanding the Weitzman Museum's role and potentially integrating it into the Smithsonian Institution. 该博物馆旨在反对反犹太主义,并充当犹太人生活的国家中心。 The museum aims to counter antisemitism and serve as a national center for Jewish life.