Christina Hodge在SC的Sumter被捕,据称他向一辆停放的汽车开枪,被控谋杀未遂。 Christina Hodge was arrested in Sumter, SC, for allegedly firing shots at a parked car, charged with attempted murder.
一名39岁的妇女Christina Hodge在南卡罗来纳州Sumter被捕,据称星期日下午7时30分左右向Marilyn大道上停着的一辆汽车开枪。 A 39-year-old woman, Christina Hodge, was arrested in Sumter, South Carolina, after allegedly firing shots at a parked car on Marilyn Avenue around 7:30 p.m. on Sunday. 据报告,这起事件与家庭有关,车上有两人,但没有受伤的报告。 The incident is reported to be domestic-related, with two people in the car but no injuries reported. Hodge被控在暴力犯罪期间企图谋杀和持有武器,在家中被捕后被带往Sumter县拘留中心。 Hodge was charged with attempted murder and weapon possession during a violent crime and was taken to the Sumter County Detention Center after her arrest at her home.