特斯拉的股票猛涨 因为报告显示特朗普的团队 将优先制定自驾车规则 Tesla's stock jumps as reports suggest Trump's team will prioritize rules for self-driving cars.
特斯拉的股票在市场前交易中猛涨了8% 据报道当选总统特朗普的过渡团队 计划优先考虑一个自驾车辆的联邦框架 Tesla's stock surged by 8% in premarket trading on reports that President-elect Trump's transition team plans to prioritize a federal framework for self-driving vehicles. 这可能有利于Tesla, Tesla一直在研究完全自主的“robotaxis ” (robotaxis)。 This could benefit Tesla, which has been working on fully autonomous "robotaxis." 现行的联邦规则限制自治车辆的部署,但新的框架可以放宽这些限制,帮助特斯拉推进其计划。 The current federal rules restrict the deployment of autonomous vehicles, but a new framework could ease these restrictions, helping Tesla advance its plans.