青少年因在高速躲避警察时撞进BMW住宅而被判处缓期监禁。 Teen sentenced to suspended prison for crashing BMW into house while evading police at high speed.
19岁的男子Samin Ahmed被判处18个月缓期监禁,并被禁止驾驶两年,因为他将父亲的宝马撞入一所房子,超速超速130英里,以躲避苏塞克斯的警察。 A 19-year-old man, Samin Ahmed, was sentenced to an 18-month suspended prison term and banned from driving for two years after he crashed his father's BMW into a house while speeding over 130mph to evade the police in Sussex. 坠机造成375 000英镑的损坏,使该家庭无法在家中生活。 The crash caused £375,000 in damage and left the family unable to live in their home. Ahmed承认驾驶危险和造成刑事损害,并被命令从事250小时的无报酬工作,参加15次康复会议,并支付187英镑的法庭费用和1 000英镑的费用。 Ahmed admitted to dangerous driving and causing criminal damage, and was also ordered to do 250 hours of unpaid work, attend 15 rehabilitation sessions, and pay £187 in court costs and £1,000 in fees.