钢人队以 18-16 击败乌鸦队,克里斯·博斯韦尔 (Chris Boswell) 的 6 个进球追平了球队的纪录。 Steelers beat Ravens 18-16, with Chris Boswell's six field goals tying a franchise record.
匹兹堡钢人队以 18-16 击败巴尔的摩乌鸦队,这要归功于克里斯·博斯韦尔 (Chris Boswell) 的 6 个进球,追平了球队的纪录。 The Pittsburgh Steelers beat the Baltimore Ravens 18-16, thanks to Chris Boswell's six field goals, tying a franchise record. 钢人队的防守扼杀了拉马尔·杰克逊和乌鸦队排名第一的进攻,使他们在得分和码数方面都处于赛季最低水平。 Steelers' defense stifled Lamar Jackson and the Ravens' top-ranked offense, holding them to season lows in points and yards. 乌鸦队犯下了 12 个罚球和 3 个失误,每个都导致了博斯韦尔的射门。 The Ravens committed 12 penalties and three turnovers, each leading to a Boswell field goal. 这场胜利使钢人队以 8-2 的比分巩固了他们在 AFC 北部的领先优势。 The win puts the Steelers at 8-2 and strengthens their lead in the AFC North.