护士从业者Jodie Cameron开设诊所,以减轻当地医生和医院的压力。 Nurse practitioner Jodie Cameron opens clinic to ease pressure on local doctors and hospitals.
护理医师Jodie Cameron在Merimbula开业, 以缓解当地医生及急诊部门的压力。 Nurse practitioner Jodie Cameron has opened Headland Health in Merimbula to ease pressure on local GPs and emergency departments. 诊所除提供其他服务外,还提供轻微疾病服务、性健康咨询和医疗证明。 The clinic offers services for minor illnesses, sexual health consultations, and medical certificates, among other services. 有了硕士学位 卡梅伦就能诊断、治疗和开药 With a Master's level education, Cameron can diagnose, treat, and prescribe medication. 头岛健康旨在帮助在与忙碌医生预约方面遇到困难的病人。 Headland Health aims to support patients facing difficulties in securing appointments with busy doctors.