新西兰公司启动平台,帮助理事会管理水数据和满足政府要求。 New Zealand firm launches platform to help councils manage water data and meet government requirements.
新西兰技术公司Datacom开发了世界投资协会平台,以帮助地方理事会满足政府水管理要求。 New Zealand tech firm Datacom has developed the WAI platform to help local councils meet government water management requirements. 通过提供数据管理,物联网计量,网络监控,计费和公众咨询工具, WAI 建立在 Datacom 广泛使用的 Datascape 平台上,支持选择理事会控制组织 (CCO) 的议会. WAI, built on Datacom’s widely used Datascape platform, supports councils that opt for a Council-Controlled Organisation (CCO) by offering tools for data management, IoT metering, network monitoring, billing, and public consultation. 该平台旨在确保遵守 " 当地用水干好 " 政策。 The platform aims to ensure compliance with the Local Water Done Well policy.