北约和欧盟敦促中国停止朝鲜在乌克兰对俄罗斯的军事支持。 NATO and EU urge China to stop North Korea's military support for Russia in Ukraine.
北约和欧盟正在向中国施压,要求朝鲜停止支持俄罗斯参与乌克兰战争。 NATO and the EU are pressuring China to stop North Korea's support for Russia in the Ukraine war. 情报显示,北朝鲜部队援助俄罗斯军队多达12 000人,而俄罗斯则向北朝鲜提供导弹技术。 Intelligence suggests up to 12,000 North Korean troops aid Russian forces, while Russia provides missile technology to North Korea. 北约秘书长马克·鲁特敦促中国利用其对北朝鲜的影响力,停止这种支持,警告导弹技术转让威胁到欧洲、日本、南朝鲜和美国大陆。 NATO Secretary-General Mark Rutte urges China to use its influence over North Korea to halt this support, warning the missile technology transfer threatens Europe, Japan, South Korea, and the U.S. mainland. 欧盟正在与日本和韩国缔结新的安全条约,以对抗中国的影响力。 The EU is forming new security pacts with Japan and South Korea to counter China’s influence.