Jay B. Silveria 是一名退役空军将军,是阿肯色大学系统的新任校长。 Jay B. Silveria, a retired Air Force general, is the new president of the University of Arkansas system.
阿肯色大学董事会已任命退役的美国空军中将 Jay B. Silveria 为新任系统总裁。 The University of Arkansas Board of Trustees has appointed retired U.S. Air Force Lieutenant General Jay B. Silveria as the new system president. 西尔维利亚,目前是德克萨斯A&M大学布什政府与公共服务学院的执行董事,将于2025年1月15日开始他的新角色,接替在担任总统超过13年后即将退休的唐纳德· R. Bobbitt。 Silveria, currently the executive director of Texas A&M University's Bush School of Government & Public Service, will start his new role on January 15, 2025, succeeding Donald R. Bobbitt, who is retiring after over 13 years as president.