印度政府可能会延长RBI总督Shaktikanta Das的任期, Indian government may extend RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das's term, making him the longest-serving since the 1960s.
据报告,印度政府很可能延长印度储备银行(RBI)总督Shaktikanta Das的任期,有可能使他成为自1960年代以来任职时间最长的RBI总督。 The Indian government is reportedly likely to extend the term of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor Shaktikanta Das, potentially making him the longest-serving RBI governor since the 1960s. 自2018年以来一直担任这一角色的达斯将于12月10日完成其任期。 Das, who has been in the role since 2018, is set to finish his term on December 10. 如果延长,根据选举委员会的指导方针,很可能在即将举行的马哈拉施特拉邦选举之后宣布。 If extended, the announcement will likely come after the upcoming Maharashtra state elections, as per Election Commission guidelines. 目前没有其他候选人考虑担任这一角色。 No other candidates are under consideration for the role at this time.