63岁的Frank McMillan 因刺杀妻子和供认在Vallejo杀害母亲而被捕 Frank McMillan, 63, arrested for stabbing his wife and confessing to his mother's murder in Vallejo.
63岁的Vallejo男子Frank James McMillan在刺杀妻子并供认杀害母亲后被捕。 A 63-year-old Vallejo man, Frank James McMillan, was arrested after stabbing his wife and confessing to killing his mother. McMillan和他的妻子在事件发生后都因重伤住院。 Both McMillan and his wife were hospitalized with critical injuries after the incident. 在他供认后,在另一个地点发现他母亲的尸体。 His mother's body was found at another location following his confession. McMillan面临谋杀未遂和谋杀的指控,这起事件标志着今年Vallejo的第21起杀人案。 McMillan faces charges of attempted murder and murder, with this incident marking Vallejo's 21st homicide of the year.