ESB在爱尔兰启动了一个150兆瓦电池储存设施,以稳定电网和支持可再生能源。 ESB launches a 150MW battery storage facility in Ireland to stabilize the grid and support renewable energy.
爱尔兰国有公用事业ESB在Cork县启动了150兆瓦电池储存设施,增加了300兆瓦的能源储存,以稳定电网并支持可再生能源一体化。 Irish state-owned utility ESB has launched a 150MW battery storage facility in County Cork, adding 300MWh of energy storage to stabilize the grid and support renewable energy integration. 作为3亿欧元投资的一部分,该项目旨在降低峰值价格,加强能源安全,帮助爱尔兰到2030年实现其雄心勃勃的气候目标。 Part of a €300 million investment, the project aims to reduce peak prices, enhance energy security, and help Ireland meet its ambitious climate targets by 2030. 它与ESB到2040年实现净零排放的目标相一致。 It aligns with ESB's goal to achieve net-zero emissions by 2040.