Diane Rogers 失踪的德克萨斯卡纳有认知障碍的女人 被发现在新波士顿很安全 Diane Rogers, a missing Texarkana woman with a cognitive disorder, was found safe in New Boston.
Diane Rogers 一位来自德克萨斯卡纳的有认知障碍的女人 星期天失踪了 Diane Rogers, a woman with a cognitive disorder from Texarkana, went missing on Sunday. 最后一次看到她穿着蓝色衣服 开着马龙福特运动车 She was last seen wearing blue clothes and driving a maroon Ford SportTrac. 当局和家庭迫切地寻求公共帮助。 Authorities and family urgently sought public help. 罗杰斯周一在新波士顿被发现安全 现在又回到家了 Rogers was found safe in New Boston on Monday and is now back home.