印度有才华的喜剧演员对女演员Deepika Padukone的抑郁提出笑话, A comedian on India's Got Talent made a joke about actress Deepika Padukone's depression, sparking outrage online.
印度《Got Talent》的喜剧演员对女演员Deepika Padukone与抑郁症的抗争不敏感, A comedian on India's Got Talent drew outrage for making an insensitive joke about actress Deepika Padukone's battle with depression. 这个笑话提到了 Padukone 最近的母亲身份和她过去的心理健康斗争,引起了包括神经学家 Sid Warrier 博士在内的小组的笑声,这进一步激怒了观众。 The joke, which referenced Padukone's recent motherhood and her past mental health struggles, was met with laughter from the panel, including neurologist Dr. Sid Warrier, which further angered viewers. 这起事件引发了对社交媒体的广泛批评, 喜剧演员和节目主持人都呼吁道歉。 The incident has sparked widespread criticism on social media, with calls for an apology from both the comedian and the show's host.