克利夫兰骑士队开始NBA第13-0季 以第六个球队为领先 Cleveland Cavaliers start the NBA season 13-0, leading the league as the sixth team to do so.
克利夫兰骑士队以13比0领先NBA队 让他们成为第六个队 以这种方式开始一个赛季 The Cleveland Cavaliers lead the NBA with a 13-0 start, making them the sixth team to begin a season this way. 仅输给骑士队的金国勇士 赢得了两场关键比赛 The Golden State Warriors, who lost only to the Cavaliers, have won two key games. 湖人仍然不败 在家里, 凯尔特人 排名最高 的净评级。 The Lakers remain undefeated at home, and the Celtics are top-ranked in net rating. 令人惊讶的是,丹佛的Nuggets 已经扭转了他们的季节, 而密尔沃基的Bucks不顾吉安斯·安特托科翁波的强势动作, 仍然挣扎不已。 Surprisingly, the Denver Nuggets have turned their season around, while the Milwaukee Bucks have struggled despite Giannis Antetokounmpo's strong play. 西部会议显示对东部的主导地位,超过.500的队伍更多。 The Western Conference shows dominance over the East, with more teams above .500. Nikola Jokic是MVP的主要候选人, 而Luka Doncic的表现却一直不佳。 Nikola Jokic is the leading MVP candidate, while Luka Doncic's performance has been underwhelming.