名人厨师和演员Ranveer Brar正从严重的脊椎伤中恢复,休息三周。 Celebrity chef and actor Ranveer Brar is recovering from a severe spine injury and resting for three weeks.
名人厨师和演员Ranveer Brar正从严重的脊椎损伤中恢复过来。 C6和C7脊椎骨骨折。 Celebrity chef and actor Ranveer Brar is recovering from a severe spine injury that fractured his C6 and C7 vertebrae. 医生建议他休息三个星期。 Doctors advised him to rest for three weeks. 尽管受伤,Brar仍然活跃在社交媒体上,分享食谱和更新。 Despite the injury, Brar remains active on social media, sharing recipes and updates. 他因在《白金汉谋杀案》(The Buckingham Murders)和其他节目中的角色而闻名,他还撰写了书籍并运营了一个 YouTube 频道。 Known for his roles in "The Buckingham Murders" and other shows, he has also authored books and runs a YouTube channel. 粉丝们对他的康复表示支持。 Fans have shown support for his recovery.