孟加拉国保证即将举行的胜利日庆祝活动的公共安全,强调安全和团结。 Bangladesh assures public safety for upcoming Victory Day celebrations, emphasizing security and unity.
孟加拉国内政顾问贾汉吉尔·阿拉姆·乔杜里中将向大众保证,即将到来的胜利日庆祝活动没有安全威胁。 Bangladesh's Home Affairs Adviser, Lt. Gen. Md Jahangir Alam Chowdhury, assured the public there are no security threats to the upcoming Victory Day celebrations. 他强调了这次活动对所有孟加拉国人的重要性,并在与执法官员的一次会晤中讨论了安全措施问题。 He emphasized the event's importance to all Bangladeshis and discussed security measures in a meeting with law enforcement officials. 他还强调必须保持交通畅通和国旗展示的统一性。 He also stressed the need for smooth traffic flow and uniformity in the national flag's display.