澳大利亚医院首先使用NeuroCatch测试,这是脑震荡诊断的脑波装置。 Australian hospital first to use NeuroCatch test, a brain wave device for concussion diagnosis.
澳大利亚Macquarie湖私立医院是第一个使用NeuroCatch脑震荡测试的医院,该测试测量大脑波和认知功能。 Lake Macquarie Private Hospital in Australia is the first to use the NeuroCatch concussion test, which measures brain waves and cognitive function. 该装置得到TGA的批准,有助于确定治疗方案,填补脑震荡诊断方面的空白。 The device, approved by the TGA, helps determine treatment options and fills a gap in concussion diagnosis. 病人支付400美元的差额费和20-35美元的NeuroCatch费,这笔费用在医疗保险项下被退款。 Patients pay a $400 gap fee and a $20-$35 NeuroCatch fee, which is rebated under Medicare. 该技术由神经学家Chris Levi博士共同拥有,旨在改进大脑健康诊断。 The technology, co-owned by neurologist Dr. Chris Levi, aims to improve brain health diagnostics.