来自世界各地的女性领导人聚集在多哈,讨论数字时代的领导能力问题。 Women leaders from around the world gather in Doha to discuss leadership in the digital age.
题为“数字时代领导地位”的国际妇女领导人学院第二届会议今天在卡塔尔多哈开幕。 The second session of the International Academy for Women Leaders titled "Leadership in the Digital Era" begins today in Doha, Qatar. 这次为期四天的活动由若干联合国机构和地方委员会组织,重点是平等机会如何塑造领导风格,以及妇女如何在数字时代推动变革。 Organized by several UN agencies and local committees, the four-day event focuses on how equal opportunities shape leadership styles and how women can drive change in the digital age. 议题包括变革型和代际领导、治理和在互联世界中培养复原力。 Topics include transformational and intergenerational leadership, governance, and fostering resilience in a connected world.