丰田在澳大利亚的新款 LandCruiser Prado 250 配备矩形大灯,与其他市场的圆形大灯不同。 Toyota's new LandCruiser Prado 250 in Australia gets rectangular headlights, differing from round ones in other markets.
新款丰田 LandCruiser Prado 250 系列采用复古风格的造型推出,但在澳大利亚采用矩形大灯,与其他市场的圆形大灯不同。 The new Toyota LandCruiser Prado 250 Series launched with retro-inspired styling but features rectangular headlights in Australia, unlike the round headlights seen in other markets. 丰田澳大利亚正在考虑客户反馈,未来可能会推出圆形大灯。 Toyota Australia is considering customer feedback and may introduce round headlights in the future. Prado 的售价从 72,500 美元到 99,990 美元不等,使用 2.8 升涡轮增压柴油发动机和 48 伏轻度混合动力系统。 Priced from $72,500 to $99,990, the Prado uses a 2.8-litre turbo-diesel engine with a 48-volt mild-hybrid system.