TikToker Connor Wood在都柏林表演立体喜剧, 标志着他第一场国际表演。 TikToker Connor Wood performs stand-up comedy in Dublin, marking his first international show.
TikToker Connor Wood(现为播客主播, 并演唱自制喜剧)定于11月27日在都柏林自由大厅剧院演出, 作为其“Fibs & Friends”全球之旅的一部分。 TikToker Connor Wood, who now hosts a podcast and performs stand-up comedy, is set to perform at Dublin's Liberty Hall Theatre on November 27th as part of his "Fibs & Friends" global tour. Wood在疫情期间, 透过TikTok影片获得名声, 尽管从未去过爱尔兰, Wood, who gained fame through TikTok videos during the pandemic, is looking forward to his first international show despite never having been to Ireland. 他的父母会和他一起去爱尔兰 参加他的伦敦秀 His parents will join him for his London show before traveling to Ireland together.