泰勒维尔消防局从一个狭窄的深井救出两名儿童,一名消防员受伤。 Taylorville Fire Department rescues two children from a deep, narrow well; one firefighter injured.
泰勒维尔消防局在星期六下午从一个15英尺深的井里营救了两名儿童,一名是青少年,另一名是幼儿。 Two children, a teenager and a toddler, were rescued from a 15-foot deep well by the Taylorville Fire Department on Saturday afternoon. 井宽约16-18英寸,深30英尺。 The well was about 16-18 inches wide and 30 feet deep. 消防员使用预先制造的操纵系统安全解救这些儿童,然后把他们带到泰勒维尔纪念医院进行评估。 Firefighters used a pre-made rigging system to safely extract the children, who were then taken to Taylorville Memorial Hospital for evaluation. 在营救期间,一名消防员受轻伤。 One firefighter sustained minor injuries during the rescue.