安大略省的足球队以 49-48 的历史性胜利战胜了谢尔比,晋级了他们的第一场地区冠军赛。 Ontario's football team secured a historic 49-48 win over Shelby, advancing to their first regional championship game.
安大略足球队在Arlin Field地区半决赛中 赢得了比Shelby的 令人兴奋的49 -48回击胜利 吸引了超过8,000人 Ontario's football team secured a thrilling 49-48 comeback win over Shelby in the Regional Semi-Finals at Arlin Field, drawing a crowd of over 8,000. Aaron Eckert教练, 与球员Bodpegn Miller和Landon Sowards一起, 在比赛后节目中讨论了比赛。 Coach Aaron Eckert, along with players Bodpegn Miller and Landon Sowards, discussed the game on the postgame show. 这次胜利标志着安大略首次有机会 争夺学校历史上的地区冠军赛 This victory marks Ontario's first chance to compete for a regional championship in the school's history.