新老挝弹射经理Darren Gleeson 在最近的诊断后辞职接受癌症治疗。 New Laois hurling manager Darren Gleeson resigns to undergo cancer treatment after recent diagnosis.
最近任命的老挝高级投掷小组经理Darren Gleeson在手臂断裂后诊断出癌症后,已辞职接受癌症治疗。 Darren Gleeson, the recently appointed manager of the Laois senior hurling team, has resigned to undergo cancer treatment after his diagnosis following a broken arm. Gleeson曾是一名拥有多个头衔的玩家和经理,他对他的社区的支持表示感谢。 Gleeson, a former player and manager with multiple titles, expressed gratitude for support from his community. Laois GAA现正在寻找一位新经理, 准备迎接即将到来的季节, 希望Gleeson能尽快恢复。 Laois GAA is now searching for a new manager as they prepare for the upcoming season, wishing Gleeson a speedy recovery.