底特律活塞队的目标是背对背赢球 面对华盛顿巫师队 他们正在经历一场七场输赢 The Detroit Pistons, aiming for back-to-back wins, face the Washington Wizards, who are on a seven-game losing streak.
底特律活塞队的目标是确保本赛季第二次接连获胜 当他们面对华盛顿巫师 他们正经历着七场输赢的连胜 The Detroit Pistons aim to secure back-to-back wins for the second time this season when they face the Washington Wizards, who are on a seven-game losing streak. 活塞队最近赢得了对抗99-95号多伦多猛禽队的胜利,Cade Cunningham提供了15分和10个援助。 The Pistons recently won against the Toronto Raptors 99-95, with Cade Cunningham contributing 15 points and 10 assists. 与此同时,巫师们输给了亚特兰大鹰队 129 -117 Meanwhile, the Wizards lost to the Atlanta Hawks 129-117. 这场比赛标志着本季球队之间的第二次比赛。 This game marks the second matchup between the teams this season.