国会责怪莫迪(Modi)政府, 表示女性劳动力参与率上升掩盖了经济困境和低工资。 Congress faults Modi government, saying rise in female labor participation masks economic distress and lower wages.
国会批评莫迪政府声称女性劳动力参与率增加, Congress criticizes the Modi government for claiming increased female labor participation, arguing the rise is mainly due to economic distress. Jairam Ramesh指出,尽管妇女劳动力参与率从27%上升到41.7%,但收入却有所下降,自营职业妇女的实际工资下降了35%。 Jairam Ramesh notes that while women's labor force participation rose from 27% to 41.7%, earnings have dropped, with self-employed women seeing a 35% decrease in real wages. 他声称增加的84%来自自营职业妇女,其中许多人从事无报酬的家庭工作。 He claims 84% of the increase is from self-employed women, many in unpaid family work. 国会党称这是女性收入不足六年前的“可悲现实”。 The Congress party calls this a "sad reality" of women earning less than six years ago.