Barron Trump,现在18岁, 影响他父亲2024年的竞选活动, 影响策略和评级。 Barron Trump, now 18, influences his father's 2024 campaign, impacting strategies and ratings.
Lara Trump声称她的儿子Barron现年18岁, 对父亲2024年的竞选活动产生了重大影响, Lara Trump claims her son Barron, now 18, has significantly influenced his father's 2024 campaign, with final say on podcast appearances, which she says have boosted ratings. 2016年,作为一个青少年, 巴伦被认为通过类似的战略建议帮助确保"兄弟投票". In 2016, as a teenager, Barron was credited with helping secure the "bro vote" through similar strategic advice. 现在在纽约大学学习, Barron的影响力已经扩大, 有可能影响未来的政治战略, 甚至影响他自己在政治中的未来。 Now studying at NYU, Barron's influence has grown, potentially shaping future political strategies and even his own future in politics.