澳大利亚规定从2026年开始接受基本货物的现金,以便保持现金的活力。 Australia mandates cash acceptance for essential goods, starting in 2026, to keep cash viable.
澳大利亚政府计划要求企业接受食品和燃料等基本物品的现金,目的是保持现金作为可行的支付方法。 The Australian government plans to require businesses to accept cash for essential items like groceries and fuel, aiming to maintain cash as a viable payment method. 这项任务定于2026年1月开始,很可能免除小企业的经营责任。 The mandate, set to start in January 2026, will likely exempt small businesses. 政府还计划到2029年淘汰支票,因为支票的使用已大大减少。 The government also plans to phase out cheques by 2029, as their use has declined significantly. 此举是努力确保保持现金可用性,特别是在数字断电期间。 This move is part of efforts to ensure cash remains available, especially during digital outages.