7名萨里学生获得旁遮普故事奖,突出显示旁遮普文学在加拿大的增长。 Seven Surrey students won awards for Punjabi stories, highlighting the growth of Punjabi literature in Canada.
作为Dhahan奖青年奖的一部分,不列颠哥伦比亚省萨里有7名中学生因其旁遮普故事荣获荣誉,该奖鼓励青年通过写作参与旁遮普文化。 Seven secondary school students in Surrey, British Columbia, were honored for their Punjabi stories as part of the Dhahan Prize Youth Award, which encourages youth to engage with Punjabi culture through writing. 一年一度的Dhahan旁遮普文学奖也向简短故事收藏的作者颁发了大笔奖金,在全球推广旁遮普文学。 The annual Dhahan Prize for Punjabi literature also awarded significant sums to authors for their short story collections, promoting Punjabi literature globally. 旁遮普语是加拿大第三最常用的语言。 Punjabi is the third most spoken language in Canada.