罕见的双胞胎小马驹 Darcy 和 Mr Squiggles 在澳大利亚农场出生后幸存下来,这让他们的饲养员感到惊讶。 Rare twin foals, Darcy and Mr Squiggles, survive birth on an Australian farm, surprising their breeder.
罕见的双胞胎双胞胎叫Darcy 和Squggles先生 出生在Clybucca的一个农场上, 令人惊讶的育种者Oudrey Haywood, 她从未见过双胞胎在她30年的育种期里活到满期。 Rare horse twins named Darcy and Mr Squiggles were born on a farm in Clybucca, surprising breeder Audrey Haywood, who has never seen twins survive to full term in her 30 years of breeding. Squiggles先生最初很虚弱,需要三天的复苏和瓶装喂养,然后才重新回到母亲身边。 Mr Squiggles was initially weak and required resuscitation and bottle-feeding for three days before being reintroduced to his mother. 这两匹小马驹都是母马 Havanna Mist 和屡获殊荣的种马 Amaroo Bet Hes A Blueboon 所生,现在都健康快乐,Squiggles 先生被描述为非常厚颜无耻。 Both foals, born to mare Havanna Mist and award-winning stallion Amaroo Bet Hes A Blueboon, are now healthy and happy, with Mr Squiggles described as very cheeky.