尼日利亚州长面临对滥用权力行为的审查,这促使人们呼吁遵守宪法。 Nigerian governors face scrutiny for abusing power, prompting calls for constitutional adherence.
尼日利亚省长拥有重大权力,包括任命担任重要委员会的职务,但这种情况已导致滥用权力的事例,例如解散反对派领导的理事会,防止反对派立法者就职。 Nigerian governors hold significant power, including appointments to key commissions, but this has led to instances of abuse, such as dissolving opposition-led councils and preventing opposition lawmakers from taking office. 律师和前省长呼吁遵守宪法,强调总督不应逾越其界限,公众应追究领导人的责任。 Lawyers and former governors have called for adherence to the constitution, emphasizing that governors should not overstep their bounds and that the public should hold leaders accountable. 权力的动态引起了人们对司法和立法机构独立性的关切。 The power dynamics have raised concerns about the independence of the judiciary and legislature.