NIA法院给予恐怖嫌犯Bilal Mir7天的假释,以便参加他父亲在克什米尔的葬礼。 The NIA Court grants terror suspect Bilal Mir 7-day parole to attend his father's funeral in Kashmir.
新德里NIA法院给予被告Bilal Mir7天的羁押假释,以便在他父亲在克什米尔斯利那加死后举行宗教仪式。 The NIA Court in New Delhi granted accused Bilal Mir a 7-day custody parole to perform rituals after his father's death in Srinagar, Kashmir. Mir 因恐怖主义相关案件正在接受调查,白天将被允许外出,但必须在晚上返回最近的中央监狱。 Mir, under investigation for a terror-related case, will be allowed out during the day but must return to the nearest Central Jail at night. 法庭限制他会见家人和长期朋友,并命令由他支付旅费。 The court restricted his meetings to close family and longtime friends and ordered his travel expenses to be covered by him.