Irfan Gill因诈骗老年人被判8年徒刑, Irfan Gill sentenced to 8 years for scamming elderly out of $560K with fake TV upgrades.
Irfan Gill, 63岁,来自密歇根州Portage, 被判处八年徒刑, 罪名是通过国际电话销售骗局诈骗超过1500名老年人, Irfan Gill, a 63-year-old from Portage, Michigan, has been sentenced to eight years in prison for defrauding over 1,500 elderly people of more than $560,000 through an international telemarketing scam. Gill和一个巴基斯坦呼叫中心说服受害者为假电缆或卫星电视升级付费。 Gill and a Pakistani call center convinced victims to pay for fake cable or satellite television upgrades. 在服刑的同时,Gill必须偿还受害者561,980.27美元。 Alongside his prison sentence, Gill must pay back $561,980.27 to the victims.