印度警方从印多尔的一辆卡车上缴获8 000公升非法酒,价值215 000美元。 Indian police seized 8,000 liters of illicit liquor worth $215,000 from a truck in Indore.
Indore中央邦警察在星期五从一辆混凝土混凝土搅拌卡车上没收了8 000公升非法酒,价值约1.75卢比。 The Madhya Pradesh Police in Indore seized 8,000 liters of illicit liquor, valued at about Rs 1.75 crore, from a concrete mixer truck on Friday. 此次行动是根据警方的线人透露的线索进行的。 The operation was based on a tip-off from a police informer. 司机Kamlesh Jaat承认,酒是在安巴拉装载的,途中运往马哈拉施特拉。 The driver, Kamlesh Jaat, admitted the liquor was loaded in Ambala and en route to Maharashtra. 警方正在盘问司机,并调查参与犯罪的其他个人。 The police are interrogating the driver and investigating other individuals involved in the crime.