印度庆祝巴勒斯坦独立日,并承诺在加沙危机中提供支持和援助。 India celebrates Palestine's Independence Day, pledging support and aid amid Gaza crisis.
印度外交部长S. Jaishankar祝贺巴勒斯坦宣布独立日,强调印度承诺深化联系和提供支持。 India's External Affairs Minister, S. Jaishankar, congratulated Palestine on its Declaration of Independence Day, emphasizing India's commitment to deepening ties and providing support. 最近,印度向巴勒斯坦提供了30吨医疗援助,总理莫迪会见了阿巴斯主席,对加沙的人道主义危机表示关切,并呼吁停火和对话以达成两国解决方案。 Recently, India supplied 30 tons of medical aid to Palestine and PM Modi met with President Abbas, expressing concern over Gaza's humanitarian crisis and calling for a ceasefire and dialogue for a two-state solution. 印度支持巴勒斯坦成为联合国会员国,并在教育、卫生和能力建设方面持续提供援助。 India supports Palestine's UN membership and provides ongoing assistance in education, health, and capacity building.