加拿大的Gen Z越来越喜欢当地来源的生态友好型产品并支付更多的费用,促进绿色市场。 Gen Z in Canada increasingly prefers and pays more for eco-friendly, locally sourced products, boosting green markets.
在不列颠哥伦比亚省,一种日益增长的趋势表明,消费者,特别是Zgen Z消费者,愿意为无害生态和当地来源的产品支付更多的费用。 In British Columbia, a growing trend shows that consumers, especially Gen Z, are willing to pay more for eco-friendly and locally sourced products. 加拿大企业发展银行的一项调查发现,66%的加拿大人更喜欢当地来源的商品,50%的加拿大人愿意为绿色产品支付额外费用。 A Business Development Bank of Canada survey found that 66% of Canadians prefer locally sourced items, and 50% are willing to pay extra for green products. 特别是,71%的国家愿意在可持续商品上花费更多资金的Gen Z为采用生态友好做法的企业提供了重要的市场机会。 Gen Z, in particular, with 71% willing to spend more on sustainable goods, presents a significant market opportunity for businesses adopting eco-friendly practices. 尽管通货膨胀,但生态友好型部门预计将增长。 Despite inflation, the eco-friendly sector is expected to grow.