巴基斯坦前参议员Ilyas Ilyas Ahmed Bilour,84岁,在白沙瓦因肾病而死。 Former Pakistani senator Ilyas Ahmed Bilour, 84, died in Peshawar after a kidney disease battle.
前参议员和人民民族党领导人Ilyas Ahmed Bilour,84岁,在白沙瓦与肾病斗争后去世。 Former senator and Awami National Party leader Ilyas Ahmed Bilour, 84, passed away in Peshawar after battling kidney disease. Bilour因其政治贡献和民主原则而闻名,担任各种职务,包括议会联盟常设委员会副主席。 Known for his political contributions and democratic principles, Bilour held various positions including vice president of the Standing Committee of IPU. 他的葬礼在白沙瓦举行,巴基斯坦总统阿西夫·阿里·扎尔达里和其他领导人表示哀悼。 His funeral was held in Peshawar, with Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari and other leaders offering condolences.