前 NFL 教练乔恩·格鲁登 (Jon Gruden) 放弃了田纳西州的主教练工作,留在 ESPN 的周一橄榄球之夜。 Former NFL coach Jon Gruden passed on Tennessee's head coaching job to stay with ESPN's Monday Night Football.
美国前足球联盟教练Jon Gruden,目前是星期一晚上的足球分析师, 在播客中透露他考虑接受田纳西州的足球主教练职位, 但决定留在ESPN. Former NFL coach Jon Gruden, currently a Monday Night Football analyst, revealed on a podcast that he considered taking the Tennessee football head coaching job but decided to stay at ESPN. 格鲁登和田纳西州有联系 在那里当过研究生教练 他的妻子是前啦啦队员 Gruden has ties to Tennessee, having worked there as a graduate coach and his wife being a former cheerleader. 他以与Mike Tirico共事的享受作为不接受工作的理由。 He cited his enjoyment working with Mike Tirico as the reason for not taking the job.