Milwaukee的Norwood旅馆和套房致命火灾造成1人死亡;原因正在调查中。 Fatal fire at Norwood Inn & Suites in Milwaukee kills one; cause under investigation.
周六清晨在Milwaukee的Norwood旅馆和套房发生致命火灾,导致一人死亡。 A fatal fire occurred at the Norwood Inn & Suites in Milwaukee early Saturday morning, resulting in one death. 没有报告其他受伤情况。 No other injuries were reported. 这起事件发生在情人巷和银泉大道附近。 The incident happened near Lovers Lane and Silver Spring Drive. Milwaukee消防局于上午6时对911电话作出反应,发现一个房间被大火吞没。 The Milwaukee Fire Department responded to the 911 call at 6 a.m. and found a room engulfed in fire. 消防局和警方仍在对火灾原因进行调查。 The cause of the fire is still under investigation by the fire department and police.