美国,特别是南方的乡巴佬们看到,随着人们迁移到边远的地方工作和廉价住房,人口迅速增长。 Exurbs in the U.S., especially the South, see rapid growth as people move for remote work and cheaper housing.
美国,特别是南方,由于这一流行病、边远工作和城市住房费用上涨,人口正在迅速增长。 The far-flung exurbs in the US, particularly in the South, are experiencing rapid population growth due to the pandemic, remote work, and rising city housing costs. 去年,佛罗里达州Polk县人口增长了29%,部分原因是波多黎各移民和人口从纽约迁出。 Polk County, Florida, saw a 29% population increase last year, partly due to Puerto Rican migration and people moving from New York. 由于柑橘园被转化为住房和零售空间,这一趋势导致社区更加多样化和富裕。 This trend has led to more diverse and affluent communities as citrus groves are converted into housing and retail spaces.