2026年12月,迪斯尼将《星球大战》的电影 换成《冰河六岁》 使得《星球大战》的发布日期不确定 Disney swaps Star Wars film for "Ice Age 6" in December 2026, leaving Star Wars release date uncertain.
迪斯尼从2026年12月18日的发布日期 移除了一部计划中的星球大战电影 取而代之的是动画片《冰河6岁》 Disney has removed a planned Star Wars movie from its December 18, 2026, release date, replacing it with the animated film "Ice Age 6." 虽然有人传言Daisy Ridley的归来是Rey, 但《星球大战》电影的命运还不明朗。 The Star Wars film's fate is unclear, though it was rumored to feature Daisy Ridley's return as Rey. 下一部经证实的星球大战电影是《曼达洛里安和格鲁古》,定于2026年5月22日拍摄。 The next confirmed Star Wars film is "The Mandalorian & Grogu," set for May 22, 2026. 迪士尼还有其他几个星球大战项目正在开发中,包括西蒙·金伯格的新三部曲。 Disney has several other Star Wars projects in development, including a new trilogy by Simon Kinberg.