在马哈拉施特拉省开展竞选活动的Bollywood actor Govinda因胸部疼痛被直升机赶往医院。 Bollywood actor Govinda, campaigning in Maharashtra, was rushed to a hospital by helicopter due to chest pain.
Bollywood演员和Shiv Sena领导人Govinda在为包括BJP、Shiv Sena和NCP在内的MahaYuti联盟开展竞选活动时,因健康状况不佳,乘坐直升机从Jalgaon飞往孟买医院。 Bollywood actor and Shiv Sena leader Govinda was flown by helicopter to a Mumbai hospital from Jalgaon due to ill health while campaigning for the MahaYuti alliance, which includes the BJP, Shiv Sena, and NCP. 他在一次路展期间经历了胸痛,他在那里鼓励支持纳伦德拉·莫迪总理。 He experienced chest pain during a roadshow, where he was encouraging support for Prime Minister Narendra Modi. 这一健康问题是在他以前因腿部意外枪伤住院之后发生的。 This health issue comes after he was previously hospitalized for an accidental gunshot wound to his leg.