Adithattu 是一部关于可疑渔民的马拉雅拉姆语惊悚片,现在正在 Amazon Prime Video 上播放。 Adithattu, a Malayalam thriller about suspicious fishermen, is now streaming on Amazon Prime Video.
亚丁图(Adiahtu)是马来亚拉姆的一部刺激片, 主演Sunny Wayne和Shine Tom Chacko, 现在正在亚马逊主要视频上播放。 Adithattu, a Malayalam thriller starring Sunny Wayne and Shine Tom Chacko, is now streaming on Amazon Prime Video. 影片跟随7名渔民在一名经验丰富的船长带领下进行的海上旅行,该船长被发现死亡,导致船员之间的猜疑和紧张。 The film follows seven fishermen on a sea journey led by an experienced captain who is found dead, leading to suspicion and tension among the crew. 这部电影的视觉和表演令人赞叹, 虽然有些批评家指出影片动作缓慢, Praised for its visuals and performances, the movie offers a tense and immersive experience, though some critics noted it moved slowly.