女演员Alia Bhatt的2岁女儿Raha在Instagram照片中鲜有公开露面。 Actress Alia Bhatt's 2-year-old daughter Raha makes a rare public appearance in an Instagram photo.
Bollywood女演员Alia Bhatt的女儿Raha, 2岁, 在Instagram的Riddhima Kapoor Sahni姑妈分享的照片中, Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt's daughter Raha, 2, made a rare appearance in a photo shared by her aunt Riddhima Kapoor Sahni on Instagram. 图片显示 Raha 戴着蓝色帽子和口罩,和她的阿姨一起坐在沙发上。 The image shows Raha wearing a blue cap and mask, sitting on a couch with her aunt. Alia还和她祖父和姐姐分享了童年海滩之旅的记忆, 并提到她即将到来的“Alpha”冲浪片“Alpha”, 她将在那里以超级特工的身份出演。 Alia also shared a childhood memory of beach trips with her grandfather and sister, and mentioned her upcoming thriller "Alpha" where she'll star as a super agent.