一名73岁的男子因威胁要枪杀特朗普支持者并面临恐怖主义指控而被捕。 A 73-year-old man was arrested for threatening to shoot Trump supporters and faces terrorism charges.
Tommy "Rusty" Goodman, 73岁,来自Claremore, 在据称威胁要枪杀Trump支持者后被逮捕并被指控犯有恐怖主义和其他罪行。 Tommy "Rusty" Goodman, a 73-year-old from Claremore, was arrested and charged with terrorism and other offenses after allegedly threatening to shoot Trump supporters. 邻居们报告了古德曼的威胁,导致他被捕,并发现了多件火器。 Neighbors reported Goodman's threats, leading to his arrest and the discovery of multiple firearms. 他还被指控持有毒品和进行恐怖主义威胁。 He also faced charges for drug possession and making terroristic threats. 古德曼的威胁被认真对待,导致他被拘留,没有保证金。 Goodman's threats were taken seriously, leading to his detention without bond.