WISeSat.Space将于1月发射卫星,用于利用SEALCOIN进行首次空基加密货币交易。 WISeSat.Space to launch satellite in January for first space-based cryptocurrency transactions using SEALCOIN.
WISeKey的子公司WISeSat.Space定于2025年1月发射一颗卫星,将利用SEALCOIN从空间进行首次加密货币交易。 WISeKey's subsidiary WISeSat.Space is set to launch a satellite in January 2025 that will conduct the first-ever cryptocurrency transactions from space, using SEALCOIN. 该项目在瑞士广播电视上得到了强调,展示了安全链技术,目的是在空间建立安全的数字经济。 This project, highlighted on Swiss Radio Television, showcases secure blockchain technology and aims to establish secure digital economies in space. 启动活动强调了瑞士在航空航天和网络安全方面日益重要的作用。 The launch underscores Switzerland's growing role in aerospace and cybersecurity.