英国一家酒吧因以独裁者命名啤酒而遭到反对, A UK pub faces backlash for naming beers after dictators, yet the "Dictator Range" proves popular.
位于林肯郡比林海的Coach & Horses酒吧因其备受争议的啤酒名称而受到关注,如Osama Bin Lager和Saddam's Stout,这些都是由Catherine Mitchell的丈夫Luke拥有的Mitchell Brewing Co.创造的。 The Coach & Horses pub in Billinghay, Lincolnshire, is gaining attention for its controversial beer names like Osama Bin Lager and Saddam's Stout, created by Mitchell Brewing Co. owned by Catherine Mitchell's husband Luke. 尽管存在一些争议,但“Dictator Range”在顾客中很受欢迎,新员工会推荐啤酒名称。 Despite some controversy, the "Dictator Range" has become popular among customers, with new staff suggesting beer names. 这家酒吧还提供其他古怪的饮料,如Berried In Cider,因其氛围和食物而受到好评. The pub also offers other quirky drinks like Berried In Cider, attracting positive reviews for its atmosphere and food.