Trey Severt和Cheree Dalton因持有芬太尼和甲基苯丙胺意图分销而被捕。 Trey Severt and Cheree Dalton were arrested for possessing fentanyl and methamphetamine with intent to distribute.
三十四岁的Trey Severt和Cheree Dalton均在Henry县被捕,因为当局在他们的公寓中发现了疑似芬太尼和甲基苯丙胺。 Trey Severt and Cheree Dalton, both 34, were arrested in Henry County after authorities found suspected fentanyl and methamphetamine in their apartment. 两人都因意图分销这些毒品而持有这些毒品而受到指控。 Both face charges for possession with intent to distribute these drugs. Severt 因以前的毒品犯罪而被缓刑,而 Dalton 则被关押在没有保释金的情况下。 Severt, on probation for previous drug offenses, and Dalton are being held without bond. 当局敦促任何有情报的人 联系亨利郡治安官办公室 Authorities urge anyone with information to contact the Henry County Sheriff's Office.